The Garden of Epicurus - - - 23. March 2021

Iris, why do I get so tired of watching commercials and shopping?

Advertising has the intention to tattoo us inside. Then when we see a trademark in the shop that we are tattooed with, we feel attracted to it. The intention is that we conform to it and in the process there is fatigue and a kind of sadness.
  • Post by Iris
  • 23. March 2021

Iris, why do I get so tired of watching commercials and shopping?


And the other question is that I often notice that I’m very tired. I have to say that when I walk around in the city and see advertisements and things and then at some point I get a kind of tiredness, like, oh my God, I think it’s too much and in this buying society where we are, so I always get a feeling that I should now, I don’t know, look differently or take care of more stylish clothes or household and just, I don’t buy anything, but just even looking at that makes me very tired, if she can say something about this tiredness. So why do I get tired when I see a lot of things?


The thing that you react to, the thing that makes you tired, is that when you’re out in the city, you see the colours, you see the movements, you hear the sounds and these advertisements are made in such a way that we can’t resist them, we have to take them in. The advertising is so cleverly made that it goes in and it’s the intention that through, through the advertising on a conscious level you either like that or you don’t like that or you, you get into an effect through it. The intention is that it should become like a tattoo on the inside. So when you go into a shop and you see this trademark that you’ve been tattooed with, then, it’s meant to make you feel attracted to this, to this trademark and that you should acquire that. It is, in a way, the intention that we should be adapted to that. And, and, and with all the adaptation there is a kind of weariness, a kind of sadness.